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Vitality Produces 4x More Content By Going Digital

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Vitality Success story


Standing out with your content when you sell insurance might seem a bit daunting. But there's an insurance company out there with bright pink branding and a dog as a mascot that would say otherwise. 

Vitality is an insurance company with more than 2000 employees across the world. Even though they're a massive company, they're not a regular corporate insurer. Their goal is to stand out from the more traditional insurance companies. 

We chatted with Becky Bargh, Vitality’s editorial and content manager, to discuss their content strategy.

"Traditionally, the insurance industry can seem quite rigid or maybe a little bit old school, but there's no reason for it to be. We're in a very new generation now where things are changing all the time, and I think insurance should change with it, too. We're nonstop trying to come up with new and innovative ways to essentially meet our members and prospects."



So far, to date, Vitality has:

Use Cases for Foleon
Magazines per year

"Foleon managed to hit every section that we needed help with. They provided for it, and the team that we spoke with was just so great to work with, and their communication was really easy."

BeckyBecky Bargh, Vitality’s editorial and content manager


Staying up-to-date

Vitality used to print an annual magazine, but they wanted to offer a new format to their audience, one that would allow them to start creating more and faster. They wanted to deliver a more multimedia experience and gain in-depth audience understanding and user insights.

"Creating magazines is a big job." 

Moreover, environmental concerns were pushing them to reconsider their reliance on printed materials. 

"As part of our social and environmental objectives, we wanted to become digital and environmental." 

Unlike traditional insurance models that primarily offer benefits only when something goes wrong, Vitality focuses on enhancing the quality of life for its members, ensuring they benefit consistently, not just in times of illness or hardship.

Becky made a very interesting point about what makes their approach to content so unique.

"We want to differentiate ourselves within the market. It's really important for us to be as strategic as possible in reaching as many members as possible and getting our brand awareness out there."

To get to that level of brand awareness, they knew they needed to be where their audience was: online

"We wanted to have as much video content as possible. That's entertaining for all of our customers, members, and prospects. Before, we couldn't do that. Instead, we would have to have QR codes to take people to video options, which just didn't feel particularly next generation."

Vitality video

The team recognized the value and pride associated with their print magazine, which is appreciated by its members for its annual publication. They wanted to replicate this satisfaction in a digital format, overcoming the limitations of print by incorporating video, audio, and interactive experiences. This would provide a dynamic and accessible platform for their audience to enjoy on the go.


Tracking customer engagement

Another challenge they were having was the inability to track customer engagement with printed content. 

"I think what's really important for us now is to actually understand what our customers are looking at when they come to our platform, what are the types of content they want to see, what are they clicking on, and then where are they going afterwards?"

Going digital also meant they'd finally be able to grasp user behavior with all the data they could retrieve from Foleon and Google Analytics. 

"We're able to see how long they're staying within the platform. We now know that it's mobile-first. Most of our members are coming to the mobile site, so we can build specific designs around that." 


Taking the digital leap of faith

After a thorough search, Vitality chose Foleon as their digital content platform. 

"Foleon managed to hit every section that we needed help with. They provided for it, and the team that we spoke with was just so great to work with, and their communication was really easy."

Because they needed to get the magazine out on time, the team sprinted with their adoption of the platform. 

"We only had three months to adopt the platform and create a magazine at that time. And with the help of Foleon, we were able to meet that deadline."

From the moment they were onboarded, the team had recurring meetings with Foleon's team to quickly get trained on the platform:

"Taking on the platform was so easy. It's a really great simple platform to use, and the team made it absolutely seamless by integrating it into our day-to-day work."

Choosing to work with Professional Services

Because they were on such a tight deadline, Vitality needed some extra hands to get started with the platform. 

"We decided to work with Foleon's Professional Services team because we had such a tight turnaround in the first instance, and we knew that they would be able to put this magazine together for us as quickly as possible and as professionally."

With Professional Services, they were trained on how to use the platform and followed a smooth onboarding process. 

"Everyone was so supportive, particularly the account managers and the Professional Services team; they just made the process so streamlined and really easy."

You could think that learning to use a new platform in such a short amount of time would be a bit of a headache, given all the information you have to accumulate. Well...

"A couple of hours training session can seem really daunting, but actually, they made it really fun, and it was just enjoyable to do and learn more about the platform."

Vitality successfully launched their first digital magazine issue right on schedule. As Becky proudly said: "With the help of Foleon, we were able to meet our deadline."


From 1 to 4 magazines a year

Vitality saved so much time that they were able to go from one printed magazine a year to four digital and seasonal editions! But it's not just about quantity. The switch to digital has also been a financial game-changer for them. 

"By going digital, our costs have also been reduced. That also means that we now have budget to create all of those amazing bits of content that we weren't necessarily getting to before in terms of video podcasts and webinars."

The review process with stakeholders became smoother after they started using Foleon. 

"Foleon allows you to have reviewers go into the platform and make comments, make notes, and then feed that back to us. Previously, it was quite a laborious task to send PDFs to stakeholders, write on them, and then send them back in an email."

Vitality review mode

"We're able to amplify our content and supercharge it like we never would've expected," 


The bottom line

Becky's enthusiasm was contagious as she outlined their vision.

 "We want to differentiate from what our competitors are doing in the market. We want to try and have fun with the content that we're creating and show that insurance can be really engaging."

Video content is now taking center stage in their strategy. Leveraging Foleon's capabilities to embed videos directly into their digital magazine.

Beyond creating fun content, Vitality is focused on delivering what their audience wants. 

"We now know what types of content really interest them, and that's something that we can tailor more towards them." 

This data-driven approach ensures that every piece of content hits the mark. They're proving that with the right tools and a dash of creativity, even the most traditional industries can become content innovators.

With Foleon by their side, Vitality will undoubtedly continue to shake up the insurance industry, one piece of content at a time.


Discover Vitality's amazing magazine right here.

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