Foleon takes PDFs out of play

The #1 content creation platform for more readers, more interaction, and more engagement.

Why do companies use Foleon Docs?

  • More engaging – Supports video and is 100% responsive
  • More intelligent – Embedded analytics sync to your CRM
  • More scalable – Cost effective and easy for anyone to use
  • More sales driven – Embed forms, CTAs, retargeting, and chat

No, we're not a PDF converter — we're an alternative. Foleon Docs are a modern format built with modern web technology.

Turn your PDF into a Foleon Doc

Send us a PDF and we’ll show you engagement.

Plans start at $425 per month

Here's how it works:

  1. Fill out the form and choose a time that suits you
  2. Give us one of your branded PDFs
  3. We’ll turn it into an engaging Foleon Doc

Trusted by 1,400+ leading brands

Betty Blocks
Avison Young
Global Payments
PDFs versus Responsive Foleon Docs

PDFs are not suitable for modern data-driven marketing

See, PDFs just don't capture your audience's attention, let alone drive engagement or signal intent. You need something more powerful — something digestible and memorable.

"The content we create with Foleon is performing exceptionally well. Compared to our previous PDF version, we’ve already seen content engagement go up by roughly 400%."
Pascal Martino
Partner Advisory & Consulting
"Foleon elevated our content marketing efforts by taking a traditional PDF and turning it into an online experience supported by video, call-to-actions, and analytic tracking."
Samer Abusada
Program Manager, Platform Operations
"Foleon is an excellent extension of our marketing toolkit. It takes the pressure off engineering and design by empowering our marketing team to create the content we need."
Jessica Gelzer
Director of Marketing & Communications
"We were really excited to see higher engagement metrics, and how it accelerated our design process. We're now able to produce content 4 times faster than before."
Victor Küppers
VP of Marketing


PDFs are the black holes in your customer journey. It's high time to start using a format you can measure.



Give your prospects a more dynamic experience and then determine their buying intent through in-content engagement.



Stop your sales team from wasting their time chasing "PDF MQLs" who probably didn't read it anyway.

Book a demo or watch on-demand
— your choice

Get a personalized demo from one of our experts, or dive into a brief, instant demo.

Request a demo Recorded demo

Why switch from PDFs?

Responsive Experiences

Foleon Docs are built for the mobile age. Unlike PDFs, which just get smaller as the screen size decreases, Foleon Docs adapt their layout and look great on any device.

Learn and Improve

Foleon Docs tell you how readers engage on the inside. See what sections interest people and where they dropped off. Get all the insight you need to make your content more effective.

Fast and Easy

Our intuitive drag & drop editor and suite of customizable templates allow anyone to create interactive content quickly. Say goodbye to the back-and-forth and update your content on the fly.

Multimedia Engagement

Use full-screen background videos, animated data visualizations, and parallax effects to create stunning content experiences that keep readers engaged.

Identify Sales-Readiness

By looking at in-content engagement, you not only know how effective your content is, but you can also quickly determine who's ripe for follow-up.

Always Up-To-Date

Foleon Docs can be updated after distribution. Go ahead and change something. Everyone will see the most up-to-date version. When content expires, you can unpublish it. Forget about old content circulating.  



Offer your audience exciting, media-rich content at every stage to keep them interested and engaged for longer.



Don’t settle for vanity metrics. Get the insights you need to optimize your customer journey every step of the way.



Empower more people throughout your company to create the content they need with the right checks and balances in place.

Yes, create my content experience!

Want to see how your content looks in a Foleon Doc without lifting a finger? Here's your chance! Let us create a mobile-friendly mock-up that's packed with media-rich features — just for you.

Recognized leader in content creation

See what customers are saying about Foleon.

Foleon G2 Content Creation Leader
Foleon G2 Enterprise Leader
Foleon G2 Mid-Market Leader
Foleon G2 Small Business High Performer
Foleon G2 Leader Americas
Foleon G2 Leader EMEA