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All about the Doc settings

The Doc settings allow you to control the settings that apply to that specific Doc. In this article, we'll discuss the five tabs of these settings: BasicsMarketingNavigationLead generation, and Access control.

💡 Working on a new Foleon Doc? Make sure to take the Doc settings into consideration when creating your content.


You can access the Doc settings by clicking menu and then Doc settings.


  • Foleon Doc name & Foleon Doc alias
    Rename or determine the Foleon Doc name in the URL via the Foleon Doc alias field. The name of your Foleon Doc is visible on the tab in the browser and, for instance, in your social media posts. The Foleon Doc alias is part of the URL.

    Please make sure that the Foleon Doc alias is unique to the project you are working on. If you have multiple docs with the same alias in a project, you might encounter issues with opening the preview.

    When the URL has already been shared, we don’t recommend changing the alias. The URL that has been shared will no longer be available.

    Please be aware that there is a 100-character limit for the Doc alias. If you exceed this limit and try to publish your Doc, you'll see that it will keep loading but it won't publish. 


  • Language
    You can also set the language of your Foleon Doc here. All standard system texts in a Doc will be visible in the language selected. These are, for instance, the words Pages and Editions under the hamburger menu. Your content editor will always be displayed in English.

    To help search engines understand the language in which your content is written, we set an HTML lang attribute. This improves your Doc's visibility and relevancy in search results for visitors who speak that language. Good to know: we don't set an hreflang attribute.

Global Doc settings

In the dashboard, navigate to account > Global Doc settings. On this page, admins and designers can preconfigure seven settings. Every new Foleon Doc will start with these settings, whether you start a Doc from scratch or from a template.

We've decided on some default values for you, so even if you don't set the Global Doc settings, you can still publish your content.

💡When you duplicate a Foleon Doc, the duplicate will have exactly the same settings as the original. This means it won't necessarily have the Global Doc settings, unless the original had them as well.

These are the seven settings that you can automatically set to be reflected in the Doc settings of every new Doc: 

  1. Cookie consent — Every Foleon Doc has cookies, and according to GDPR regulations, you need to inform your readers about these cookies. You can do so using the cookie consent pop-up. Learn more.

  2. Private preview — You can preview your Foleon Doc to see what it looks like outside the content editor. There are two options for visibility: private and public. Learn more.

  3. Search engine visibility — Foleon Docs are optimized for search engines but are not crawled and indexed by default. This means your content won't be publicly available in search engines unless you want it to be. Learn more.

  4. IP anonymization in Google Analytics — By default, you anonymize IP addresses in Google Analytics to adhere to EU privacy regulations. Learn more.

  5. Remarketing code — Do you want to add tracking or remarketing codes to your Foleon Doc? Copy-paste the script that your tool provides here. Learn more.

  6. GTM code — Use Google Tag Manager (GTM) to gather your tags in a single container. Fill in the header code of your container here, and you’re all set (the footer code isn’t necessary). Learn more.

  7. Foleon branding — Disable this setting to hide the Foleon branding in the navigation bar. No hard feelings.

When you configure these settings in the Global Doc settings, every new Foleon Doc will automatically have them. In the Doc settings, you'll find the seven settings that you've pre-configured in the dashboard.

💡Even if you haven't set Global Doc settings already, we've decided on default values for you. This means that for new Docs the settings will already be configured. You can change them to fit your needs.

When a setting matches what's in the Global Doc settings, you'll see a 'Global' label, as illustrated in the image below.

⚠️ Any change you make in the Global Doc settings will automatically be reflected in the Doc settings. If you want to apply this change to a published (live) Foleon Doc, you must (re)publish.


If you make a change in the Doc settings that deviates from the Global Doc settings an admin or designer set, you'll see a 'Custom' label. This means the setting now no longer matches with the Global Doc settings. 

💡Want to learn more about the Global Doc settings? Check out our article Improved governance with Global Doc settings.


  • UTM

    A UTM code is a snippet of simple code that you can add to the end of a URL to improve attribution when tracking the performance of campaigns and content. Do you have external links in your content, and do you want to track the traffic from your Foleon Doc to these web pages? The UTM code field will help you out.

    Read about UTM codes in our blog: Use UTM Codes to Determine the Origin of Your Traffic
  • Social media image for this Doc

Set an image that functions as a thumbnail when you share this Doc (e.g., on LinkedIn). The image should have a ratio between 2:1 and 300:175 to be best seen on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X(Twitter).

💡This image is also known as the Open Graph image or OG image.

An effective OG image provides visual context to the content found in your Foleon Doc. As an example, we've set the following image:

When you share your Foleon Doc on LinkedIn, you'll see your image appear in the post preview. Combined with your Foleon Doc name, you create a lasting first impression.

If you want to share a specific page with a custom image, you can override the image in the page settings.

If you don’t set a custom image for social media, you share your Foleon Doc with an automatically generated thumbnail. This thumbnail is the same as the image in the page overview. If you share a general URL to your Doc, we'll take the image of the first page. If you share a URL to a specific page, we'll take the image of that page.

Social media platforms tend to cache the open graph information — specifically the OG image. This means that when you change the social media image and try sharing your Foleon Doc again, the previous image might still show as the thumbnail. 

To fix this, you can scrape the Foleon Doc URL by using tools such as Facebook Sharing Debugger or LinkedIn post inspector. 


💡Some of these navigation options are not included in all plans. Contact our Customer Success Management team to learn more.

📖 When you create a Foleon Doc, you want your audience to read through it effortlessly. How do you design a Doc with an intuitive reader experience? Learn more in our article Make your Doc easy to navigate.

  • Navigation bar - Disable this setting to hide the navigation bar. This could be useful if you're creating a single-page Foleon Doc. Check the navigation bar preview to get an idea of what your navigation bar will look like.
  • Page menu button - Disable this setting to hide the hamburger icon. Useful for single-page Foleon Docs.

  • Page numbers - Disable this setting to hide page numbers in the navigation bar. Useful for single-page Foleon Docs.

  • Page names - Disable this setting to hide page names in the navigation bar. Click select pages to choose which pages to include or leave out. In the pop-up window, you can select the pages you want to display in the navigation bar.
  • Active page name - Disable this setting not to show your audience which page they're currently on. This might be useful when you want to keep it simple — e.g., when you only want to display a logo in the navigation bar. You can style the active page name in the brand settings.
  • Search function - Enable this setting to show the magnifying glass icon on the navigation bar, which allows readers to search for specific content in your Foleon Doc. Keep in mind that the search function doesn't include text from overlays, so their content won't show up in search results.

💡 If you have editions enabled, your audience can only search the current Foleon Doc they're in — not other editions. 

  • Custom URL for Logo - Enable this setting to set a custom URL for your logo on the navigation bar. If disabled, it will link to the first page in your Foleon Doc.

  • Foleon branding - Disable this setting to hide the Foleon branding in the navigation bar. No hard feelings

  • Reading progress bar - Enable this setting to display a reading progress bar attached to your navigation bar. It helps your audience grasp how much they've read of your Doc and what's left. The progress bar is most helpful if your content is a linear story. You can style the active page name in the brand settings.

  • Social page(s) icons - Enable this setting to show icons that link to your social platforms in the navigation bar. Click select platforms to decide which icons to include in the navigation bar.

💡 Read our quick guide on this topic: How to set social page icons.

    • Navigation bar position - Decide if you want to display the navigation bar at the top or bottom of your page.


  • Page overview - Decide if you want to show your page overview in a grid or horizontally. Your audience will see this when they click on the page menu button (hamburger icon).
    When you select grid, you can enrich the page preview with a featured image and page description.

You can disable editions to hide other Foleon Docs that have been created in this project — so your audience can't see them in the page overview.

💡Grid is the new and improved version of the classic grid. This improvement is not available for all plans. Contact your Customer Success Manager to learn more. 

  • Editions -
 When checking the preview or live version of your Doc, click on the hamburger menu and navigate to editions. When enabled, you'll find a list of all the Docs published in the same project . It's a handy way to let visitors navigate the live content of your project. For example, this could be useful if you have multiple editions of a monthly magazine. If disabled, your audience users won't see editions when they click on the hamburger menu. 

If you turn off Editions for Doc X, that means the Editions tab won't appear when you visit the live Doc X. This tab normally shows thumbnails and links to other published Docs within the same project. Now, if Doc Y has Editions turned on, when you visit the live Doc Y, you'll see the Editions tab, and this tab will list all the published Docs in the project, including Doc X (if Doc X is published), even if Doc X has Editions turned off.

💡 Here's the catch: if you want to keep all Docs in your project private and not show any Editions tabs, you need to disable Editions for every single Doc in that project, considering that Editions control whether other Docs in the project are visible from a particular Doc.

  • Page arrows - Disable this setting to hide the page arrows. This could be useful if you're creating a single-page Foleon Doc. When the page arrows have been enabled, you can decide if you want to display them bottom right or center right.

  • Page sneak peek - Give your audience a preview of neighboring pages. If you select card, you enrich the page arrows with an image and text. If you select tooltip, you keep it text-only. Add your content in the page settings.

  • Accessibility options - This allows your audience to make content more accessible — by disabling autoplay for videos and GIFs. Learn more in our article Creating accessible Foleon Docs.

Lead generation

Our lead generation feature allows you to block (further) access to your Foleon Doc on any page. Visitors are prompted with a pop-up and will have to fill in their personal details in order to access your Foleon Doc or the rest of it.

Read more about this in our article Gating your Foleon Docs for lead generation.

Access control 

Want to control who can enter your Foleon Doc? Secure it with Access control.
Learn all about it in our article Setting up access control. 

The options are:

  • Username & password
  • Whitelist by IP address
  • Whitelist by email address (OTP)
  • Lead generation

Review Mode

Review Mode lets your team leave comments on a Doc. It allows you to collaborate with reviewers to process feedback and publish faster.

Review Mode is enabled by default if it's included in your plan. To disable it, toggle off Enable Review Mode for this Doc. Don't forget to click save.

💡 Learn more in our article Collect actionable feedback in Review Mode. 


Default Doc settings

The Doc settings can obviously vary within a project, but it may be good to know that the default settings of a new Foleon Doc don't always start with a clean slate.

The intended behavior in these settings depends on the situation:

  • Create a new Foleon Doc (either from scratch or from a template)

    Gets the system default values unless the Global Doc settings are set. In that case, the Doc settings adopt the values of the seven Global Doc settings.

  • Copy (duplicate) a Foleon Doc
    Settings of the original Foleon Doc will be copied — creating an exact duplicate.

💡 Below, you'll find all Editor's default Doc settings:



Setting Default state

Foleon Doc Name

Chosen by user

Foleon Doc Alias

Depends on Doc's name
Language English

Global Doc Settings

Setting Default state
Cookie consent  Disabled

Search Engine Visibility


Foleon Branding


Private preview


IP anonymization in Google Analytics


Remarketing field

Empty field

GTM field

Empty field


Setting Default state
UTM code Empty field
Personalization Disabled

Content Delivery Network (CDN)


Let Foleon collect anonymous data using Google Analytics


Let Foleon collect anonymous data for Foleon Analytics


Social media image for this Doc

Empty field


Navigation bar


Navigation bar preview

Top bar

Page menu button


Page numbers


Page names


Active page name


Search function


Custom URL for logo


Reading progress bar


Social page(s) icons


Page overview

Classic grid



Page arrows


Page arrows position

Bottom right

Page sneak peek


Accessibility options


Lead Generation

Setting Default state
Gate your Foleon Doc Disabled

Access Control

Setting Default state
Access method None

Review Mode

Setting Default state

Enable Review Mode for this Doc
