How to set social page icons

This article shows you how to set social page icons in your navigation bar.

💡 This functionality differs from the share element — which you drop onto your page.



Desktop and tablet view modes

The social page icons link your audience to your social platforms in the navigation bar. It's good practice to include these subtle icons in your navigation to promote your social channels.


To add the social icons to the navigation bar, open the Foleon Doc settings.


In Doc settings, scroll down to the navigation tab and toggle on social page(s) icons. You'll see a pop-up appear with a wide range of logos.


Add the relevant links to the social icons and save your Doc settings.


That's it. Open the preview to test the social page icons.


Mobile view mode

On mobile devices, the social icons won’t be visible in the navigation bar. Your audience can only see them when they click the hamburger menu, so make sure to toggle on the page menu button in your Doc settings.

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To enable the hamburger menu, go to Menu > Doc Settings > Navigation > Page menu button. Once there, you'll find the option to activate this option



Use social page icons for sharing

If you want to give your audience the option to share your content from the navigation bar, using the social page icons, you can follow these steps:

  1. Add the share element anywhere on your page and select the icons you want to include (e.g., LinkedIn). 
  2. Publish or republish your content, go to the live version, and click on the social icon. 
  3. Go to your browser's address bar and copy the complete URL.

    For example:

  4. Return to your page and delete the share element. 
  5. Open the Doc settings, scroll down to the marketing tab, toggle on social page(s) iconand paste the URLs in their respective fields.
  6. Republish your content, open the live version, and test that your icons now make you share your Foleon Doc. 
