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Collect actionable feedback in Review Mode

Review Mode lets your team leave comments on a Doc. Collaborate with reviewers to process feedback and publish faster. This article shows you how this works.

💡This feature is available for select plans. If you’re interested in this functionality, please request a trial here.


🎥Click here to watch our video lesson about collaborating on Docs with built-in commenting.

Open Review Mode

Review Mode is enabled by default if it's included in your plan. In the editor, click the comments icon in the top bar. Review Mode will open in a new tab.

💡 Only Foleon users can access Review Mode.


Getting around

When you're in Review Mode, you can either comment or browse.

  • Comment (default) — In this mode, you can leave feedback on the Doc. You click anywhere on the page to post a comment.

  • Browse — In this mode, you navigate the Doc. If you need to give feedback on a different page, you switch to Browse mode by clicking on the toggle at the top of the screen.

How to leave a comment

In the comment mode, you can click anywhere on the page to post a comment.

Any user in your workspace can post comments and reply to others.

When you've clicked anywhere on the page, the comments panel appears. Type your comment and click on post comment — or press Enter on your keyboard.

💡 Is the comments panel being displayed over the content you want to leave feedback on? Drag it to another spot on your page with the four dots at the top.

You'll see feedback in the comments panel. If you've closed the panel, there are two ways to reopen it — click on a comment on the page or on the comments icon in the top bar.

💡 Is a comment no longer relevant? Delete it with the trash icon.

Mention someone

To mention someone, start typing with @, and one or more email addresses will appear.

When you mention a user of your workspace, they'll be notified with an email. You'll also be notified by email when there’s a reply to a comment you wrote or a reply in a thread you've replied to.

If you don’t mention anyone, no email notification will be sent. Your team members will then only notice your comment when they see the comments icon to open Review Mode.

💡 Don't want to receive email notifications for every comment? Set up rules in your email provider to filter out emails that include "[Foleon][Comments]". 


Resolve or re-open a comment

Once reviewers have processed feedback, they can resolve a comment. Click the ☑️ icon to resolve a comment. 

💡 When a comment is resolved, the person who left the comment — or started the thread — receives an email notification. If you've only replied to the comment, you won't get notified. 


Once you've clicked resolve, the comment will appear in the resolved list — showing you an overview of all resolved comments. 

In the resolved section, you can re-open a comment if you want to bring it up for discussion again. Simply click the reopen icon, and you'll see it re-appear in the open comments section. 

Share a review link

Click on share in the top bar of Review Mode to share a unique feedback link — so your team can leave comments. Collaborate with the reviewers to process feedback and publish faster.

💡 Want to ask for feedback from someone who’s not in your workspace yet? Let your admin add them as a user with the reviewer role.


When you've clicked on share, you're able to copy the review link to your clipboard. Share this link with your workspace to give them access to gather feedback.

Want to ask for feedback from someone who’s not in your workspace yet? Let your admin add them as a user with the reviewer role.


Reviewer role

Every Foleon user from eligible plans can access Review Mode, but there's a dedicated reviewer role for you to invite non-creator collaborators. They can review your Foleon Doc by leaving comments on a Doc.

💡The reviewer role is only available for select plans. To learn more, contact your Customer Success Manager or success@foleon.com.

  • When you're a Reviewer
    This role only allows you to leave comments on a Doc in Review Mode. You can also reply to other comments and share a review link with other users in your workspace.

You're allowed to review and preview all Foleon Docs in your workspace. You can't create, edit, or delete any content.

You access Review Mode for all Docs by clicking the thumbnail of a Foleon Doc (1), the review icon (2), or from the Doc's quick actions menu (3).

💡As a Reviewer, you can also open the preview for all Docs in your workspace.

 can navigate to projects to select the Foleon Doc they want to review or preview.

Inviting Reviewers to your workspace

Like any other user, you invite Reviewers in the users tab of the dashboard.

In the users overview, you'll see that there are two types of users:

  • Users — These are the content creator roles: admin, publishereditordesigner, and author.

  • Reviewers — Users with the reviewer role.
    Reviewers don't count toward the maximum user seats in your Foleon plan. For that reason, we have a separate counter for reviewers, making it easier for you to keep track.

💡 Do you want to add more reviewers to your workspace? Contact your Customer Success Manager for more information.

How to disable Review Mode

Review Mode is enabled by default if it's included in your plan. To disable it, open the Foleon Doc settings. At the bottom of the settings page, toggle off Enable Review Mode for this Doc.

Click save and return to the editor.

💡 Are there already comments on a Doc, and you want to disable Review Mode? Don’t worry, comments will still be saved if you want to re-enable it later.