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All about page settings

The page settings allow you to control the settings that apply to that specific page of your Foleon Doc. In this article, we'll discuss the 3 tabs of these settings: Basics, SEO, and Marketing.

💡 Working on a new page? Make sure to take the page settings into consideration when creating your content.

In the editor, go to Menu > Page settings.




💡 Be aware that you have to save the changes. For these changes to be effective on the live version of your Foleon Doc, you need to republish.


  • Page title
    Change the title of your page here. This title will show in the page overview and in the navigation bar.

  • Page alias
    The page alias is visible in the URL. Because it's part of the URL of your Foleon Doc, the page alias needs to be unique for the correct navigation of your content.
    If you're hosting your content on a Foleon domain, the first page won't have a page alias.

⚠️ Keep in mind that if you change your page alias, the URL of your Foleon Doc will change for that page. If you have already sent out the URL to your readers, remember that this old URL will not work anymore if you change the page alias.


⚠️ It's not possible to use the word "Index" as a page alias. As an alternative, we recommend using "Contents".

  • Page description
    Set a short page description to enrich the navigation of your Foleon Doc. We advise keeping it below 145 characters. It will be visible in the navigation bar and page arrow preview (page sneak peek in the Foleon Doc settings).

  • Page scroll button
    Determine whether you want to show the page scroll button per page. When a page only has one full-height block, there’s no need for a page scroll button. You can turn it on or off here. Read more about it in our article All about the page scroll button.

  • Featured image
    Set an image to enrich your navigation. The image will be visible in the navigation bar. In addition, it will be visible when your audience hovers over the page arrows — once you've enabled page sneak peek in the navigation tab of the Foleon Doc settings. We recommend a 4:3 image ratio.


💡 Be aware that you have to save the changes. For these changes to be effective on the live version of your Foleon Doc, you need to republish.

  • Hide this page from search engines
    If you don’t want this page to show up in search results, check this option. You can hide your entire Foleon Doc in the Foleon Doc settings. Learn more about determining search engine access.

  • Canonical
    Use a canonical URL to avoid possible duplicate content penalties. If you have a case study or blog post on both your website and Foleon Doc, you can specify to Google which of the identical pages they should prioritize for indexing. This one will be then the search engine-friendly URL that search engines view as authoritative when your content is visible on several URLs.

    Canonical URL: https://yourdomain.com/blog/
    Alternate URL: https://yourdomain.com/blog/?page=1

  • Meta description
    You can add a short description of your page under ‘Meta Description’. This is the text people see in Google search results. Filling in the fields under Meta Description is very important for your findability in Google. This meta description is also visible when your pages are shared on Facebook or other social media.




  • Social media image for this page
    Set an image that functions as a thumbnail when you share this page (e.g., on LinkedIn). The image should have a ratio between 2:1 and 300:175 to be best seen on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X (Twitter).

The image only applies to this page — it overrides the social media image you set in the Foleon Doc settings

💡This image is also known as the Open Graph image or OG image.

An effective OG image provides visual context to the content found in your Foleon Doc. As an example, we've set the following image:


When you share your page on LinkedIn, you'll see your image appear in the post preview. Combined with your Foleon Doc name, you create a lasting first impression.

If you change the image, it can take up to thirty minutes for the change to take effect because of network caching.

⚠️ If you don’t set a custom image for social media, you share your Foleon Doc with an automatically generated thumbnail. This thumbnail is the same as the image in the page overview. If you share a general URL to your Doc, we'll take the image of the first page. If you share a URL to a specific page, we'll take the image of that page.


Social media platforms tend to cache the open graph information — specifically the OG image. This means that when you change the social media image and try sharing your Foleon Doc again, the previous image might still show as the thumbnail. 

To fix this, you can scrape the Foleon Doc URL of a specific page by using tools such as Facebook Sharing Debugger or LinkedIn post inspector. 

Default page settings

Below, you'll find all Editor's default Page settings:


Page title Depends on page's name
Page alias Depends on page's name
Page descriptions Empty field
Page scroll button Enabled
Feature image Empty


SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Search engine visibility Enabled
Canonical URL Empty field
Meta descriptions Empty field



Social media image for this page Empty field