Connect Adobe Analytics to your Foleon Docs

Adobe Analytics lets you mix, match, and analyze data from any digital point in the customer journey. Foleon does not provide native support for Adobe Analytics. However, our remarketing field lets you connect as a workaround. This article shows you how this works.

💡 Want to set up Google Analytics? Please read our article Set up Google Analytics 4 (GA4) for your Docs. 

As we don't offer native support for Adobe Analytics yet, you'll need to inject your custom script into the remarketing field.

First, go to Adobe Analytics and generate the script. If you're unsure where to start, read their article Implementation best practices for Single Page Applications (SPAs).

⚠️ Any custom script you implement is the creator's responsibility, so ensure you know your script inside out. If you're not very experienced, we recommend you consult an expert.

We've successfully implemented Adobe Analytics for Foleon Docs before with the script below. This implementation makes use of Adobe Launch — Adobe’s tag management solution — and an earlier version of Adobe Experience Platform Launch.

With Adobe Launch, you can enable Adobe Analytics. You'll have to replace certain elements so that it matches your Adobe credentials.

⚠️ To implement this script successfully, we recommend consulting an expert in Javascript and the Adobe Experience Cloud suite — which offers tag management.

<!-- adding jQuery -->

<!-- add adobe ADL object -->
window.adl = window.adl || []

<!-- add own Adobe launch -->
<script src= async></script>

<!-- Function that re-triggers a page view on each page change in a Foleon Doc -->
window.foleon('onPageChange', function() {
// your tracking send beacon
adl.push({"event" : "trackState"});

Once you've correctly built your custom script, you can add your custom code in the Foleon Doc settings of your Doc when you scroll down to the Marketing tab.

On the right side, copy-paste the script into the Remarketing code field. Save your changes and (re)publish your Foleon Doc.

⚠️ The script will only run on published (live) Foleon Docs — not in the preview.


💡 You can easily choose settings to apply to every new Doc you create with Global Doc settings. One of the options available is the Remarketing code field, meaning you can choose the same code to show for all newly created Foleon Docs.