Our Foleon Analytics metrics explained

We’ve dedicated a lot of time to analyzing the performance of all kinds of content created with Foleon. Based on our experience and customer feedback, we selected the most important metrics for assessing your content’s success — and improving its performance down the line.

💡 Not sure how to access Foleon Analytics? Check out our article on How to access Foleon Analytics. Want to share your Foleon Analytics report with your team? Check out our quick guide.

Filter the data

At the top of the Foleon Analytics report, you'll see the title of your Foleon Doc.

Using filters, you define which data you want to see. 

💡When you click the back arrow, you'll get an analytics report that compiles all data of the live Docs in your workspace — very helpful if you want to compare the performance of multiple Docs.

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By default, there's only one filter set to the report: the date filter — set to display the metrics for the last thirty days of your Foleon Doc. 

Change the date filter to custom to set the time period you're interested in, for example, since the day you first published the Foleon Doc. 

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Click +add filter to add an extra filter to the report. You can choose from:

  • Source — Which domain(s) is sending traffic to your Foleon Doc? E.g. your website or another Foleon Doc. 
  • Device timezone — In which timezone is your visitor located? E.g. London or New York. 

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The number of visitors 

Next, you’ll see a graph showing the number of unique visitors over time. In the top right corner, you decide to display the data per day, week, or month.

Hover over the data points to get insights into the number of visitors for a specific moment in time. 

⚠️ A Doc's preview link (e.g., https://example.viewer.foleon.com) is not tracked with Foleon Analytics. To see data in Foleon Analytics, share the URL of your published Foleon Doc (e.g., https://example.customdomain.com).

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Below the visitors graph, you’ll see metrics on a Foleon Doc level.

The green and red numbers indicate the performance of the time period before your set dates. For example, if you've set the time period of your report to last 30 days, these numbers compare with the thirty days before that. You can click on them to toggle between absolute (number) and relative (percentage) data.

💡 When a Doc has been taken offline (unpublished), you'll still be able to see the analytics from when it was online (published).

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On a Foleon Doc level, you’ll see:

  • Visitors — A person who can return multiple times for multiple visits.

  • Unique visits — The number of times people have visited your Doc. A visitor can have multiple visits. The line chart could show more visitors as it counts those who started their visits before the date range but stayed active, while the pie chart only shows visitors who started within the selected date range.
  • Total page views — The total number of pages viewed.

  • Bounce rate — The percentage of visitors who only viewed a single page in your Doc and left without performing any actions (e.g. clicking a button).
  • Visit time — The average amount of time spent in your Doc.

  • Pages per visit — The average number of pages viewed during a visit.
  • pie chart shows the percentage of new visitors vs. returning visitors.

  • pie chart shows the proportion of visits from desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

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Here, you can track the performance of personalized Foleon Docs. Check the number of page visits and how long a visitor spent in their personalized Doc. 

Hover over the token to learn the values of the properties you've inserted into your Foleon Doc — e.g., First name = Tom and Industry = Healthcare. 

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Understanding the source of your traffic can provide valuable insights into which channels or platforms are driving traffic to your Foleon Doc, allowing you to tailor your Doc and its content strategy accordingly.

This data is based on the referrer — the URL of the previous webpage from which a visitor clicked a link to open your Foleon Doc. This information is captured in the HTTP request headers that the visitor's browser sends when navigating from one site to another. There are no cookies involved in this process.

💡Do you have an unknown source? This happens when websites don't want to share the source of your navigation with another website. An unknown source doesn't necessarily indicate an issue but rather reflects the limitations of tracking and privacy features in modern web use. 

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Metrics on a page level

Below the Foleon Doc metrics, you’ll see the metrics on a page level.

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For your pages, you’ll see:

  • Total visits — The total number of visits on this page.

  • Doc visits — Session-based visits to a specific page, each session lasting 30 minutes. Since a single user can have multiple sessions, the number of Doc visits can be higher than that of unique visitors.

  • Time on page — The average amount of time visitors spend on a page.

  • Bounce rate — The percentage of visitors who entered your Doc on a given page but left without viewing any other pages.

  • Page entry — The total number of visits that entered on this page.
  • Exit rate — The percentage of visitors who leave your Foleon Doc from a given page.


How we calculate the different metrics

If you have experience with Google Analytics, most of these metrics should be familiar to you. But for clarity, we'll explain how each is defined in our system.

💡 If your browser remains open and active in the foreground without any interaction, we limit this session to 30 minutes. However, if the browser becomes inactive—such as when another tab or window is opened—this time will not be counted.

💡 Not all analytics platforms work the same. There are differences between Foleon Analytics and Google Analytics. Learn more about it in this article.

  • Visit — visit starts the moment a user visits a Foleon Doc and does not already have an active visitVisits expire after 29 minutes of inactivity. If a user continues interacting with a Foleon Doc after their visit has expired, a new visit will be created with the entrance page set to the current page.

  • Visit count — The number of visits recorded for a given Foleon Doc or page.

  • Visit time — The time between the first recorded event and the last recorded event in a visit.

  • Bounce count — The number of visits of a given Foleon Doc or page that has only a single page visit.

  • Bounce rate — Bounce count divided by visit count.

  • Entry count — The number of visits that began on a given Foleon Doc or page.

  • Entry rate — Entry count divided by visit count.

  • Exit count — The number of visits that ended on a given Foleon Doc or page.

  • Exit Rate — Exit count divided by visit count.

  • Page visit count — The number of times a given page was visited.

  • Unique visit count — The number of visits in which a given page was viewed at least once.

  • Visitor count — The number of users that visited a given Foleon Doc or page with at least one visit.

  • New visitor count — The number of users that visited a given Foleon Doc or page with a single visit.

  • Returning visitor count — The number of users that visited a given Foleon Doc or page with more than one visit.

  • New visitor rate — New visitor count divided by visitor count.

  • Returning visitor rate — Returning visitor count divided by visitor count.

  • Device count — The number of different devices used to view a given Foleon Doc or page.

  • Device rate — Device count divided by visit count.