Unsplash is a photo discovery platform for free to use, high-definition photos. We have integrated it into the Media Library, so it's easy for you to use high-quality stock images in your Foleon Doc. In this article, we show you how that works.
💡 Want to learn more? Check out our article All about the Media Library.
How to use Unsplash
First, make sure to add or replace an image, with either the image element or a background image. Let's say you want to add a new image to your column.

After adding an image element to a column, a pop-up of the media library will appear. As you will see on the left-hand side of the screen, you can select Unsplash.
💡 You will not see the Unsplash integration when you click on Media Library in the editor.

After clicking on Unsplash, a search screen will appear that enables you to search for the right image. Let's say we search with the term "Business".

Unsplash will then make a selection of images that fit your search term. Click on the image that suits your content.

A pop-up window will appear. Click on Insert media to insert the image into your column.

That's it. You'll now be able to style your image with the element settings.

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