How to embed Infogram

Infogram is an intuitive visualization tool that empowers people and teams to create engaging infographics and reports in minutes. This article describes how to implement an Infogram chart in your Foleon Doc, by using the embed element. 🖼️

  • Step 1 - Create a chart in Infogram. Design the chart here exactly the way you want it to show in Foleon. Click share in the top-right corner. 

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  • Step 2 - In the Publish & share window, select embed and then AMP. From the code, you need to select the URL that is included after "src=". In the example below, this is "". Copy this URL to your clipboard.

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  • Step 3 - Go to your Foleon Doc and add an embed element to your page. Paste the URL in the input field, click preview, and save.

    Working with the Content Builder? Select a block template that includes an embed element.

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  • Step 4 - Open the element settings by clicking the cogwheel icon. Navigate to the general settings, set scrolling to hidden, and make sure to switch on dynamic height. 

    Always use a new embed element, or copy an existing one that is already set this way.

    If you've followed these steps correctly, your Infogram embed will be completely responsive — with no white spacing below them if you've removed all spacing from your block and column.

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