You use text to speak to your audience — so of course, you want it to be correct. You can use a spellchecker to assist you with this. In this article, you'll learn how this works in the editor.
💡 Want to learn more about text? Check out our article All about Text: Titles, Paragraphs & Quotes.
💡 Want to learn more about text? Check out our article All about Text: Titles, Paragraphs & Quotes.
In this article
How it works
Foleon supports your browser’s built-in spellchecker. How it works precisely differs per browser (more on that below), but it will automatically check your spelling as you write. Your writing language is also detected automatically and is not connected to the language you’ve set in the Foleon Doc settings.
In Foleon, spellcheckers will be activated once you click on elements that contain text — title, paragraph, quote, and button. The spellcheck won't work in a form element, since this functions differently.
Once the spellcheck identifies a spelling mistake, it will underline the word(s). Right-click on the word to correct it with the suggestion(s). In the example below, you can correct the misspelled word "experienes" to "experiences".
⚠️ Depending on your browser, the red/blue underline might not be visible if you apply a red/blue background to your element.
Browser settings
Whether or not you have spellcheck active in your browser, depends on your browser settings. Below, we go over the settings for the most popular browsers, and how they differ.
- Google Chrome
In Google Chrome, go to your Settings, open Advanced and click on Languages. In this window, you'll be able to toggle your spellcheck off or on.
The Google Chrome spellchecker highlights misspelled words and shows suggestions. It does not detect mistakes in grammar and punctuation.
💡Other browsers that we've tested — Firefox and Microsoft Edge — behave in the same way as Google Chrome.

In Safari, click on Edit in the top navigation bar. Open up Spelling and grammar and make sure that Check Spelling While Typing is switched on.
The Safari spellchecker highlights misspelled words and shows suggestions. It doesn't show all misspelled words in a text box — only the word where the cursor is active. Next to that, the Safari spellchecker autocorrects. It can also detect mistakes in grammar if you switch on Check Grammar With Spelling.
Alternative tools
Next to the built-in spellchecker of your browser, you can also install browser extensions to check for spelling and grammar mistakes. Here are some of our favorites…
Grammarly is a popular cloud-based writing assistant that reviews spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement, and delivery mistakes. You can add it as an extension to your browser to improve your writing.
If you have Grammarly installed in your browser, it will override the basic spellchecker. In the image below, you'll see what Grammarly looks like in a Foleon text box.
Another spellchecker we recommend is LanguageTool. It's a multilingual grammar, style, and spell checker — supporting Dutch, German, and 20 other languages. It can be especially useful if you're creating Foleon Docs in multiple languages.
If you have LanguageTool installed in your browser, it will override the basic spellchecker. In the image below, you'll see what LanguageTool looks like in a Foleon text box.
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