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  3. ➕ Working with media assets

Organizing your media library

You add images, videos, and documents to your Foleon Doc. How do you organize them? In this article, we show you how to use folders to organize your assets.

💡 Starting a new project or Foleon Doc? Discuss with your team how you will organize the Media Library, so you can quickly locate the right files.


How to organize your media library using folders

When working on multiple projects, organizing your media with folders is best. You can create a new folder from the New folder icon in the top-right corner.

Below, you can see an example structure that we recommend:

  • Brand assets - top-level folder
    • Logos - subfolder
    • Backgrounds - subfolder
    • Icons - subfolder
    • Illustrations - subfolder
    • Photography - subfolder
  • Project 1 (Newsletters) - top-level folder
    • Newsletter January 2024 (Foleon Doc) - subfolder
    • Newsletter February 2024 (Foleon Doc) - subfolder
  • Project 2 (Reports) - top-level folder
    • Annual Report 2023 - subfolder
    • Annual Report 2024 - subfolder

If you create a subfolder for an individual Foleon Doc, you can also consider creating one for each page or type of media asset (photography, videos, illustrations…).





When you upload images and videos to the media library, they will be saved in your opened folder. Make sure you organize your media library by uploading images into the right folders.

When you've uploaded images and want to move them to another folder, drag the image to the folder you would like it to be in and drop it there.

💡 Are you working with Bynder? Our native integration with this Digital Asset Management tool helps you centralize, organize, and share all your digital media files.




Duplicating Foleon Docs

Keeping your media library organized will save you lots of time in the content creation process, but the more content you create, the harder it will be to keep it tidy.
For that reason, we advise extra care when you're duplicating Foleon Docs: 
  • Duplicating a Doc to a project in the same workspace: the media assets of that Doc stay in the same media library folder they were already in.
  • Duplicating a Doc to a project in another workspace: a new media library folder will be created for the media assets, named "Copied on...<date>". If media assets of the duplicated Doc somehow already exist in the media library of the new workspace, these files won't be copied over again. This is to prevent unnecessary file duplicates.

⚠️ Did you just duplicate your Doc? We recommend checking your media library and renaming any copied folders, so you can find them easily in the future.