If you're hosting your content on a custom domain, you have to secure it with an SSL/TLS certificate to make sure it's safe for your audience. In this article, we’ll explain the basics of SSL/TLS and help you manually configure your certificate.
⚠️ The default — and recommended — option is to let Foleon secure your custom domain. Learn more about how we generate a Let’s Encrypt certificate (for free) and automatically renew it.
💡 Do you need to create a CSR for your certificate provider to obtain your SSL/TLS certificate? Read our article about the Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
What is SSL/TLS?
TLS, formerly known as SSL, keeps the connection between a web server and a browser encrypted and private. TLS also proves to visitors that you are the owner of the hostname a Foleon Doc is published on.
💡 In the video below, we explain how SSL/TLS works and why it's important.
To check if a connection is private, simply enter a URL into your browser’s address bar and check if it automatically navigates to HTTP or HTTPS.
In the example below, you can see that the connection of foleon.com is secure. The URL starts with HTTPS and the lock icon in the address bar also represents a safe domain.

✅ HTTPS - A certificate is installed and the connection is private/secured.
❌ HTTP - No certificate installed and the site’s connection is not secured.
If a certificate is not installed, it’s possible that visitors will see a message stating that the website is not secure and won’t be able to continue. In the example below, you can see what this message might look like in Google Chrome.

Your domain setup and SSL/TLS
You have 2 options to host your Foleon content: using a (free) Foleon domain or your own custom domain.
Use a (free) domain — If you use a (free) Foleon domain, your content is automatically secured with an SSL/TLS certificate by us.
Use your own custom domain — If you're using a custom domain to host your content, you have to secure your Foleon Docs with an SSL/TLS certificate.
We generate an SSL/TLS certificate — for free — and automatically renew it. However, you can also choose to manually configure your certificate. In the next section, we’ll explain which steps to take for a manual SSL/TLS setup.
⚠️ For security reasons, Foleon can't install the SSL/TLS for you. Follow the steps in the next section for a detailed how-to guide. If you're not sure about this process, we recommend reaching out internally to your IT department. They will likely have experience with securing a domain.

What do you need to manually secure your domain?
In order to make your custom domain secure with an SSL/TLS certificate, you will need the following files:
A certificate (PEM-formatted). The file extension is usually .crt, .cert or .pem.
A private key (without a password) with encryption algorithm RSA-2048
Certificate intermediates (needed for image thumbnails when sharing the URL)
You can purchase a certificate at a certificate vendor (this doesn’t have to be your hosting provider). They might request a CSR (Certificate Signing Request) from you. Learn how to create a CSR in our article How to create a CSR (Certificate Signing Request).
💡 Some vendors require you to share on what type of server you host your domain. Foleon runs its content on Apache.
⚠️ When creating a CSR, keep in mind that we currently can't accept wildcard domains in the SAN. So *.domain.com can be used as a certificate's common name, but can't be only included as a subject alternative name without being included as the common name.
How to manually configure your SSL/TLS certificate
If you haven't created a custom domain yet, that's where you'll need to start.
In the Foleon Dashboard, click account in the left sidebar and go to domains. Click + new domain to get started.
Alternatively, go to the project you want to set up the hosting for. In project settings, scroll down to your domain setup.
Click + new domain if you still need to set up a custom domain.
💡 Not sure how you want to host your content? check out our article Hosting Foleon Docs.
If you want to manually add an SSL/TLS certificate to an existing custom domain you've already set up, go to the domains overview and click edit for the relevant domain. This will prompt the domain setup modal.
When you go through the custom domain setup, the third step covers the SSL/TLS certificate.
Once you select manually configure your SSL/TLS certificate, the certificate configuration button will appear.
In the SSL/TLS Configuration pop-up, you will see three fields: Certificate, Private key, and Intermediates.
⚠️ It's only possible to upload your files in their core form. This means you’ll need to extract the code from the certificate files. There are several free tools available for extracting the core code from SSL/TLS certificate files.

In the video below, you can learn how to extract the codes from your certificate (using Atom.io). The relevant section starts at 0:34.
Here are a few free examples for extracting the core code:
Atom - https://atom.io/
Sublime Text - https://sublimetext.com/download/
Visual Studio Code - https://code.visualstudio.com/
Brackets - http://brackets.io/
As stated before, you will see three fields in the SSL/TLS Configuration pop-up. We go over each field below:
- Field 1 - Certificate
The certificate starts with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and ends with -----END CERTIFICATE-----, which need to be included in the code that you insert in the field.
Below you can see what the code of a certificate looks like. Paste this in the Certificate field in the SSL/TLS Configuration pop-up.
⚠️ If your certificate files are delivered in the .PFX format, you need to convert these to .PEM or the files will not show correctly. We recommend taking this up with your certificate provider to avoid any mistakes in the conversion process. You can often request the files to be sent to you in the .PEM format.
Field 2 - Private key
The Private key starts with -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- and ends with -----END PRIVATE KEY-----, which needs to be included in the code that you insert in the field.
The private key,without a password, needs to be encrypted with the encryption algorithm RSA-2048.
⚠️ Only when the private key matches the certificate, will the option to Save appear. If the hostname of the certificate does not match the hostname of the private key, you will see an error message "The input appears to have a certificate but does not match the private key". If this is the case, we recommend checking your CSR and/or contacting your certificate vendor.
Field 3 - Intermediates
Codes from intermediates start and end with the same text as the actual certificate. This means that they will start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and end with -----END CERTIFICATE-----, which need to be included in the code that you insert in the field.Usually, the intermediate certificates are attached to your certificate and private key. If not, you can likely download them from the website of your SSL/TLS vendor.
⚠️ It isn’t mandatory to upload the intermediates (CA-certificates) but we highly recommend it for a higher rating of your certificate. You will need intermediates if you want an image thumbnail to show when sharing your content on social platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn.
Check out the image below to see what this should look like in the SSL/TLS Configuration pop-up.

That's it! After you’ve correctly inserted your SSL/TLS certificate codes, you’ll get a success message.

You can go ahead and publish and share your Foleon Doc. HTTP traffic will be automatically redirected to HTTPS once we’ve processed and installed your certificate. This will be done within 30 minutes after successfully uploading your certificates.
⚠️ Once your SSL/TLS certificate is installed, it will automatically apply to all Foleon Docs in that project.
⚠️ Important note: Keep in mind that the IP whitelisting access control method will not work if your Foleon Doc is secured with SSL/TLS. Read more about what access control methods are in our article.
How to renew your SSL/TLS certificate
If you decide to manually configure your SSL/TLS certificate, it will likely have an expiry date.
This means that you will have to renew your certificate when it's going to expire. Let's say your SSL certificate is due to expire on the 1st of January 2022. You will have to contact your SSL/TLS vendor again and inform them that you want to purchase a new certificate.
⚠️ Instead of manually renewing your SSL/TLS certificate, you can also decide to let Foleon generate an SSL/TLS certificate for you. Learn here how that works.
If you use the same SSL/TLS vendor, it's possible that they still have your CSR details. If this is the case, it's not necessary to create a CSR again (if the hostname of your project didn't change).
To renew your certificate, click edit and delete the previous code. Place the new information in the relevant fields and click save.
💡 From two months before your certificate is about to expire, you'll start receiving emails to remind you to renew your SSL/TLS certificate.