How to embed a PDF document

💡 Want to learn more about embeds? Check out our article All about the Embed element.

First, you have to make sure that the PDF document you'd like to embed has been uploaded to the Media Library. If you're not sure how to do that, you can read our article How to upload and link to a PDF.

In the media library, select the PDF you want to embed and click on Direct link on the right-hand side of the screen. This will open up the document in a new browser tab.


In the new browser tab, copy the complete URL from the address bar.


Copy this URL and go back to your Foleon Doc. Add an embed element to your column and paste this URL in the URL field. If the URL is correct, a preview of the PDF document will be visible. Click on Save to add it to your page.

💡 An embedded PDF document will not show on mobile devices. The PDF viewer that Foleon uses, Amazon Web Services (AWS), does not allow a direct embed in an iFrame on mobile. The content would be too wide for a nice user experience on mobile, which is why Amazon does not allow an embed on smaller screens.
