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Foleon and Information Security

Information security is a hot topic. Like never before, you expect the digital products and services that you rely on to be safe. Since its very founding, Foleon has focused on protecting its customers’ data and keeping up with the latest standards and industry best practices.

In this article, we will discuss some of the frequently asked questions on this topic.


How is Foleon hosted?

Foleon is currently using servers from Amazon Web Services ( AWS - Amazon) and the Google Cloud Platform (GCP - Google), which are located in Frankfurt (DE) and Eemshaven (NL) respectively. These servers are both based in Europe. Furthermore, we also use a Content Delivery Network (CDN) to improve the loading speed of your content.

How is your data stored?

On May 25, 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect. The GDPR is a set of laws aimed at enhancing the protection of EU citizens’ personal data and increasing the obligations of organizations to deal with that data in transparent and secure ways. More information about the GDPR, and the usage of cookies, can be found in the following article: Foleon and GDPR - The Basics.

Furthermore, please read through our blog post on Foleon and GDPR compliancy.

These articles cover the most important subjects concerning data, and how Foleon stores and manages it.

Is Foleon ISO certified?

We are fully GDPR compliant and we've received the ISO 27001 certification for information security best practices (renewed each year). Please also have a look at the following Foleon Doc one-pager that holds the most important information, and technical specifications: InfoSec - At a Glance.

Foleon uses state-of-the-art encryption and other security measures to keep data safe — both for our customers and for their audiences. Our systems undergo regular auditing and penetration tests.

On request, it's possible to contact us for access to our Information Security Policy, and the results of our penetration tests. Furthermore, it’s possible to get in touch with our Chief Information Security Officer.